Camping is a great way to enjoy the outdoors but can also be a breeding ground for bugs. No one wants to be swatting away mosquitoes all night or dealing with ants in their sleeping bags. If you’re camping in an area where bugs are common, you’ll want to know how to protect yourself. There are plenty of ways to protect yourself from bugs. If you’re camping in an area with many of them, take precautions before leaving and don’t leave your home without it. Luckily, there are some natural ways to keep bugs away when camping. Here are five tips to help you enjoy a bug-free camping trip.
The COVID-19 pandemic has surprised many of us, so here are some ways to keep you safe and sound from unwanted infections caused by bugs. Stay safe, and make that trip happen with more freedom!
The Best Natural Ways to Repel Bugs When Camping

During the warmer months, insects can be a big problem for campers. You may contact all sorts of bugs on your camping trip, including Mosquitoes, Flies, Bees, Wasps, Spiders, Different Ants And more. While insects are not necessarily dangerous, they can be a nuisance. Some times, they can even be dangerous. For example, bees and wasps sting you, and spiders bite you.
The best way to deal with insects is to prevent them from bothering you in the first place. Here are some natural ways on how to do that:
1. Spray Vinegar to repel bugs when camping
The natural repellent properties of vinegar can make a massive difference in the comfort level of your camping trip. We can use vinegar to repel various pests, but it is particularly effective against mosquitoes. Mix two parts vinegar to one part water in a spray bottle and use this solution to repel mosquitoes. Be sure to stay clear of the solution as it can irritate. Also, vinegar will leave a residue on plastics and other non-porous surfaces. Consider using water instead.
Spray the solution on your clothing and tent before bed, and you will not have to deal with bites.
2. Citronella candle to repel bugs when camping
Citronella candle is one of the best ways to repel mosquitoes and other bugs from your campsite. Buy a citronella candle at a camping supply store, and place it near your tent at night. It won’t kill the bugs, but it will surely keep them away.
3. Garlic to repel bugs when camping
If you are not a fan of the smell of garlic, this may not be the best solution. But, if you would like to keep away mosquitoes and other insects while camping, then try placing some garlic cloves around your tent. The smell will keep the bugs out, but they will also not go to your tent. According to research published in the Journal of Medical Entomology, this simple trick can reduce the number of mosquitoes that come into contact with you by 95 percent
4. Campfire to repel bugs when camping

Another way to keep bugs away is to make a fire. Not only will this provide warmth and light, but the smoke will also help repel insects.
Smoke acts as a natural mosquito repellent. Many mosquito species avoid smoky areas, though the reason is unclear. The best way to make a fire and smoke is to take it slowly and carefully, being sure to blow out the wood entirely before lighting it. And of course, keep the fire small and distance yourself from it so it won’t spread.
The other option is to take advantage of natural fire breaks (such as large rocks). Wet wood will go out much faster than dry wood, so try not to leave a big pile of coals.
5. Get Mosquito Nets to repel bugs when camping.
You can also try using a mosquito net when sleeping to keep bugs away from your skin. The CDC recommends the use of mosquito nets to protect yourself from diseases spread by mosquitoes. They are simple, lightweight, and provide complete protection from mosquitoes. The benefit of these nets is that we can use them with or without a mosquito hat. However, you should still check the insecticide label for any possible health concerns before using them on your children. To use a mosquito net, cover yourself with it as you would a sleeping bag.
6. Wear a mosquito hat:

Wearing a mosquito hat will reduce your exposure to mosquitoes by up to 90 percent. It prevents mosquitoes from landing on your head or face, making you less likely to get bitten. When mosquitoes land on your hat, they can’t bite you and carry the virus to infect others. Wearing a mosquito hat also makes it easier for other people to avoid contacting you so they don’t become infected and spread the virus to others.
7. Wear Full Body Clothes to repel bugs when camping
Another way to prevent insects from bothering you is to wear the proper clothing. Choose a light and airy dress, and avoid clothing that is too thick or stiff. Wear light colors, and avoid wearing dark colors, as they are more likely to attract insects. Insects also attract sweet-smelling scents, so avoid using perfumes or colognes.
Remember to wear long shirts and pants to cover your entire body. This technique can be a good idea to keep bugs away when camping. Make sure you protect your body so that bugs won’t bite you.
8. Homemade Oil Repellent to repel bugs when camping
There are a lot of commercial bug repellents on the market, but many contain harmful chemicals. Try this homemade oil repellent if you’re looking for a natural way to keep bugs away when camping. You’ll need a carrier oil like jojoba or almond oil and essential oils like citronella, lemongrass, or eucalyptus. Mix a few drops of each oil in a small bottle, and apply it to your skin before heading outdoors. The strong scent of the essential oils will repel bugs, and the carrier oil will help to keep your skin moisturized.
9. Use a bug net
Another natural way to keep bugs away when camping is to use a bug net. Various materials usually make bug nets, but the most common is nylon mesh. They’re lightweight and easy to set up, providing a barrier between you and the bugs. Bug nets are a much flexible alternative of mosquito net to cover your tent, so they’re a great addition to any camping gear.
Bug nets are also tremendous as an extra layer of protection. If you’re camping in an area with lots of mosquitoes, a bug net can help keep them away from your sleeping area. You can also use a bug net to keep other insects out of your campsite. If you have a bug net, pack it in your camping gear.
10. Rub Yourself With Onions
Onions are a natural way to keep bugs away when camping. Rub a sliced onion on your skin, and the bugs will stay away. You can also put onions in your tent or sleeping bag to keep bugs away. Onion therapy is a great way to naturally keep bugs out without harmful chemicals.
Onions work in a similar way to vinegar to repel bugs. However, like vinegar, the smell can be offensive to humans with sensitive noses. It is a good idea to change them daily so that the scent does not become too intense.
Tips to Setup a Camp to Keep Bugs Away When Camping
Do Not Camp Near Water and lots of plants or trees
You can do a few simple things to minimize your chances of being bothered by bugs when camping. One of the most important is to avoid camping near water. Bugs attract moisture, so staying away from lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water will help keep them away from your campsite.
Another good idea is to camp in an area with many plants and trees. Bugs are less likely to be found in these areas as they provide natural shelter and food. Finally, try to camp in an area that is free of debris. Bugs are attracted to places where they can hide, so a clean campsite will help deter them.
Keep a Clean Campsite
Clean your campsite regularly, and the best way to keep bugs away when camping. That means periodically sweeping the grounds, picking up any trash, and keeping food stored properly. Bugs are attracted to garbage and food so that a clean campsite will be less appealing. Avoid using perfume or cologne near your camp. If you wear any fragrance, the bugs will attract you. You have a terrible experience with bugs, which can ruin your camping trip.
Before going camping, Keep your food stored properly. Store it in airtight containers and keep it away from any area where bugs can get to it. If you can store your food correctly, it will help keep bugs away from it.
Final Words
Thanks for reading! Be sure to take precautions before leaving for your trip. Now that you know how to make your camping trip great get out there and do it. Use what you have learned here to successfully plan a fantastic camping trip. You will enjoy this adventure of a lifetime, and the memories will last forever.