Hi, It’s me, Michael. A big fan of outdoor sports!
My name is Michael French. I am a big fan of outdoor sports. I have been outing for the last 15 more years. love to enjoy outdoor sports a lot. Mostly I like to play bow and arrow, Kayaking is one of my favorite recreational hobbies. On the other hand, I love cycling, climbing, camping and lots more.

You are an awesome guy! You are here which means you are a mad sports lover like me :). Also, love to share my experience. I know, choosing outdoor sports products is very difficult for newbies. That is why I have created this blog to help sports lovers. Hope my blog will very useful mostly for newbies and you enjoy my outdoor gear reviews on sports products. Definitely I can make sure that the updated latest information is being published.
Besides this blog, I am also active on twitter too. I am also sharing my each and every article and the outing update by tweeting there –
Barnett Raptor Pro STR Review https://t.co/LoSXKkpWxt
— Michael R. French (@outdoor_hobbies) July 11, 2020
Also, I love to share helpful resources – from other outdoor recreational blogs and twitter posts –
Kayak Gloves An Essential Wear When Paddling Out In the Cold! https://t.co/UGyCOh7QQF via @kayakspoint
— Michael R. French (@outdoor_hobbies) July 16, 2020
I am not professionals. But I know more than most of them (Yeah, that’s right). Here it is only a loving factor to share my experience. I AM NOT A PROMOTER OF ANY OF BRAND. On this website, I do real reviews of outdoor sports products to make your purchase experience better. No matter you are a newbie or a pro, I am very confident that my website will bring value to your sporting experience.
There is a lot of articles, I have written on my blog site along with real reviews from my experience. Which I think will be helpful for you. Keep reading and please do not hesitate to contact me to share your user experience with my articles. Please consider me to share, if you find any of my stuff useful!
Thanking You,
Michael French